Models of Computation(3) - Propositional Logic (CNF)

4 minute read

In this section, we are going to use the original syntax of propositional logic. i.e. Only the operators $\lnot, \land, \lor$ will be used. If there is a formula with any other operator, we will first get rid of it by replacing by equivalent formulas. This is the idea behind turning formulas into normal forms.

For example,

  • replace $(p \rightarrow q) \text{ by } (\lnot p \lor q)$
  • replace $\bot \text{ by } (p \land \lnot p)$

Normal Froms: NNF

Definition A formula $F$ is in negation normal form(NNF) if negations only occur immediately in front of atoms.

For example,

  • $p$
  • $\lnot p$
  • $(\lnot q \lor p)$ are in NNF, but
  • $\lnot \lnot p$
  • $\lnot \lnot \lnot p$
  • $\lnot(q \land \lnot p)$ are not.

Theorem For every formula $F$, there is an logically equivalent formula in NNF.

Algorithm (Push Negation Inwards)

Idea: Substitute in $F$ every occurence of a subformula of the form:

$\lnot \lnot \text{ by } G$ … Double Negation Law

$\lnot(G \land H) \text{ by } (\lnot G \lor \lnot H)$ … de Morgan’s Law

$\lnot(G \lor H) \text{ by } (\lnot G \land \lnot H)$ … deMorgan’s Law

until no such subformulas occur, and return the result.

Let us look at an example.

Put $\lnot(\lnot p \land (\lnot(r \land s) \lor q))$ into NNF.

To simplify things, let $\lnot p = G$, and $\lnot (r \land s) \lor q = H$.

Then, we have $\lnot (G \land H) \equiv \lnot G \lor \lnot H$ by deMorgan’s Law.

\[\begin{aligned} &\equiv \lnot \lnot p \lor \lnot (\lnot (r \land s) \lor q) \\ &\equiv p \lor \lnot (\lnot (r \land s) \lor q) \qquad &\text{... deMorgan's Law} \\ &\equiv p \lor (\lnot \lnot (r \land s) \land \lnot q) \qquad &\text{... deMoragn's Law} \\ &\equiv p \lor ((r \land s) \land \lnot q) \qquad &\text{... Double Negation Law} \end{aligned}\]


  • A literal is an atomic formula or the negation of an atomic formula. i.e. It has the form $p \text{ or } \lnot p$. $\lnot \lnot p$ is not a literal.

  • A clause is a disjunction of literals or a literal. eg. $(p \lor \lnot q \lor r) \text{ and } \lnot r$ are clauses, but $(p \lor q) \land r$ is not a clause.

  • A formula $F$ is in conjunctive normal form(CNF) if it is a conjunction of clauses or a clause. eg. $(p \lor \lnot q \lor r) \land (\lnot p \lor r) \land q \land \lnot p$ is in CNF. $p \land q \text{ and } p \lor q$ is in CNF. $(p \land q) \lor r$ is not in CNF.

Theorem For every formula $F$, there is an equivalent formula in CNF.


Here is an algorithm that transforms $F$ into an equivalent formula in CNF.

  1. Put $F$ in NNF, call it $F’$.
  2. Substitute if $F’$ each occurrence of a subformula of the form, $((H \land I) \lor G) \text{or} (G \lor (H \land I)) \text{by} ((G \lor H) \land (G \lor I))$ until no such subformulas occur, and return the result.

NOTE: This algorithm relies on the Commutative and Distributive Laws.

So, why is CNF important?

  • It allows us to restrict to formulas with a uniform structure.
  • It is used in practice. There are many tools for solving the Boolean Satisfiability Problem, that take CNF formulas as input.

Solving problems with logic

Two computational problems on graphs:

  • 3COL: given an undirected graph $(V, E)$, decide if it has a proper 3-colouring (and return one)
  • CLIQUE: given an undirected graph $(V, E)$ and an integer $K$, decide if it has a clique of size at least $K$ (and return one).

Although these problems can be solved using graph algorithms, we will solve them using logic.

Step 1. Encode the input as a formula.

Step 2. Check if the formula is satisfiable.

Step 3. If it is satisfiable, turn a satisfying assignment into a solution of the graph problem, otherwise say “no solution”.

Solving 3COL with logic

  • A proper 3-colouring of an undirected graph $(V, E)$ is a colouring of the vertices by three colors such that adjacent vertices get different colours.

  • That is, it is a partition of $V = R \cup G \cup B$ into three parts $R, G, B$ such that if $(v, w) \in E, \text{ then } v \text{ and } w$ are not in the same part.

  • The 3COL problem is to decide, given $(V, E)$, whether or not it has a proper 3-colouring, and return one if it does.

Let’s try to solve this using logic.

First, we encode the input $(V, E)$ into a Boolean logic formula $\phi_{V, E}$ as follows. This formula will be tested for satisfiability. i.e. if it turns out to be satisfiable, then there is a solution, otherwise not.

  • Suppose $V = {1, 2, \ldots , N}$.
  • For every vertex $i \in V$, introduce three variables $r_{i}, g_{i}, b{i}$. The three variables represent a particular vertex’s colouring. i.e. if $r_{i}$ is true, then the other two must be false, etc.

The idea is that the formula will say that the true variables represent a proper colouring.

We can represent constraints placed on vertexes as follows.

  • Every vertex gets at least one colour:

    $\bigwedge_{i \in V}(r_{i} \lor g_{i} \lor b{i})$

  • Every vertex gets at most one colour:

    $\bigwedge_{i \in V}(\lnot r_{i} \lor \lnot g_{i})$ $\bigwedge_{i \in V}(\lnot r_{i} \lor \lnot b_{i})$ $\bigwedge_{i \in V}(\lnot g_{i} \lor \lnot b_{i})$

  • Adjacent vertices get different colours:

    $\bigwedge_{i, j \in E}(\lnot r_{i} \lor \lnot r_{j})$ $\bigwedge_{i, j \in E}(\lnot g_{i} \lor \lnot g_{j})$ $\bigwedge_{i, j \in E}(\lnot b_{i} \lor \lnot b_{j})$

Now, we define $\phi$ to be the conjunction of all these constraints.

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